Bailey-Johns offer a planned service scheme for all gas and oil burning equipment called a "REGULAR SERVICE ORDER" or "RSO".
A regular service order gives you the benefits of having heating equipment (boilers, radiant heaters, warm air heaters and burners) serviced on a regular basis without having to remember to organise it as an annual event. Bailey-Johns will handle all the paperwork and work, all you have to do is file the reports.
Under the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Act 1998 Part F Section 35 & 36 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1976/1998 it is the responsibility of the employer and his designated responsible person to ensure that all gas fired equipment is maintained safely and regularly on an annual basis.
Our Regular Service Order conforms to this legislation and gives the commercial and industrial customer the added benefit of a 24 hour breakdown service with response times typically being under four hours.
All service visits and costs are notified 3-4 weeks before they are due in writing.
Payment is on completion, although we welcome new accounts if payment is made within 30 days of invoice date.